How Long Does It Take To Localize An Indie Game?
So you’re planning on localizing your indie game, but you’re not sure how much time to schedule in. While the timing of a project can...

5 Reasons Why We Won't Localize Your Game
Keeping in mind that we want to create a mutually beneficial relationship (no midi-chlorians involved), we believe it's fair we share wi

9 Steps to Easier, Cheaper and Faster Game Localization
By far the biggest mistake game studios can make is leaving localization until their game is fully developed before they think about adaptin

Is It Worth Localizing An Indie Game?
This is the Number One Question for any indie game studio considering localization, so we thought we'd get some answers from developers

How To Become A Game Translator
Game translators are the clever folks that help game developers reach a broader audience and gamers from all over the world enjoy games...